- The perceived has always been into existence in its absolute entirety. But we, as human beings have created obstructions of many different kinds according to our facets of understanding.
- ‘How profound your life is’ actually depends on the in-depth experience that you are gaining from whatever you are going through.
- The better vision of yourself which you hold within– creates your reality. And the reality that you want to create, has to be in alignment with the one whom you want to perceive. But the one who is perceived is so dignified, so celebrated, sits on a very elongated stage, where you cannot reach. That’s the problem.
- Each time we step out of our comfort zone, there occurs a blessing of the one, whom you consider as someone worthy of being perceived.
- Anything that has been into existence and has been traumatic and has been a stumbling block towards your higher dimension of life– cannot be replaced with the same vibrational frequency.
- The only way you can worship the one who is perceived as the most revered — is becoming an identical form of himself or herself only.
- As we chisel our thoughts and carve out the best version of ourself, which could align to our grandest vision of life– we could be grander than life itself.
- As the man perceives, as he believes, as he becomes. So why don’t we chisel our thoughts & make our thoughts as per the identical version of the one, whom we perceive, as ‘the one’?
- The one who has been perceived as the almighty or the one who has been idealized as the worth of worshipping– wants you to be a grander version as ‘who they are’.