An online session, ‘Winning over our thoughts and emotions’, by Naam Deo was organised by Vihangam Yoga, Bahrain, on May 15, 2020, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Bahrain local time (GMT +3). Several spiritual enthusiasts from Bahrain and the Middle East participated. Naam Deo Ji joined the online session, over audio, from Himalaya Shoonya Shikhar Ashram, India. This video is the recording of the introductory message from Naam Deo Ji. The introductory message was followed by a live Q&A session in which he resolved individuals’ queries about the experiences of their own unique journey. During the session, Naam Deo Ji unravelled the science of what goes on inside us that makes us so driven by our emotions and thoughts. He explained ‘the journey of moving from the compulsiveness of emotions to the thoughtfulness of the conscious being that we are, that’s the journey we have to make. We are neither our emotions nor our thoughts!’