Best Way to Lose Power Become Contracted

The best way to lose your power is by becoming contracted, which means closing yourself off and limiting your potential. When you restrict your mindset and avoid taking risks, you […]

Taking a Risk is about Knowing Yourself

Taking a risk is not just about stepping into the unknown; it’s a profound journey towards self-discovery. When you dare to venture beyond your comfort zone, you reveal deeper layers […]


“If ‘The Unfettered Desires’ are granted by some fluke of luck @ no self-evolution, the tragic has just occurred.The most devastating results await…”


When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world.


“There cannot be any better situation than the ‘present state of mind’.” 

A well-formed Mind

Knowledge is power. But this knowledge is becoming very powerless these days. There never has been a time in the past where knowledge got so limited with plethora of it, with sea of it. An ocean of knowledge being streamed down to us today, being percolated down and it is made available to us. But aren’t we feeling totally knowledge-less at the end of the day? Aren’t we forced to think: I wish I wasn’t exposed to ‘so much’ of information. So, you can say that information is just information. Knowledge is something that can be secluded, put aside from the information.

Evolve with success and failure

You never fail. You either learn or grow.

Oh! You have heard it so many times. I know what you’re thinking. That’s not the thing. The point here is that we shall never grow out of learning. That’s the whole thing. And whatever you consider an achievement could be very mediocre for so many other people. Whatever you consider as a failure is a pillar of strength for so many, and rather it has become so.

The Psychology of Wealth

Why is it that 80% of wealth belongs to 20% of the population?

The reason is it’s not something to be negated because what is negated is mostly embroiled into negativity and that is so wrong because it takes your right to be rich. It takes your right to what you can do and what you’re capable of, because you just harp on the same string over and over again, why? Because it has been fed into your head. It has been indoctrinated in your minds and you are brainwashed to think that 80 percent of the wealth belongs to 20 % and these 20 % are evil, which is so wrong.