Take a leap of “Faith”

      Your belief system is governing your life right now. How you are orienting yourself is based on your belief system. Anything that is being orchestrated in a way that impacts your life, and which, in fact, everything is impacting your life right now the way it is because you are operating from some level. That level of your operation comes from the belief system that you have. But if you talk about belief, people would say, might say, that I don't know what it is.

          Find happiness in you

            You don't need to depend on things and objects to make you feel good, to make you feel happy. Absolutely no! That's when you will just kick this mediocre life out of your life; and lead a better, more fulfilling life. Because fulfilling lives comes with totally doing away with filling life. That's the difference.

                The encoded memory within you

                  It is in this life and the realisation in this life which will be carried forward to the next birth as well. So that the changes in a cerebral memory happens so the DNA gets encoded with that information so that that information is carried forward to the next birth. Decoding and encoding is the most significant because something has been learned which has to be decoded in this life and that is not possible without you going through those experiences. So it's okay that you got totally trapped into those maze and that quagmire of your own tendencies. It's

                      A well-formed Mind

                        Knowledge is power. But this knowledge is becoming very powerless these days. There never has been a time in the past where knowledge got so limited with plethora of it, with sea of it. An ocean of knowledge being streamed down to us today, being percolated down and it is made available to us. But aren't we feeling totally knowledge-less at the end of the day? Aren't we forced to think: I wish I wasn't exposed to ‘so much’ of information. So, you can say that information is just information. Knowledge is something that can be secluded, put aside from

                            Evolve with success and failure

                              You never fail. You either learn or grow. Oh! You have heard it so many times. I know what you're thinking. That's not the thing. The point here is that we shall never grow out of learning. That's the whole thing. And whatever you consider an achievement could be very mediocre for so many other people. Whatever you consider as a failure is a pillar of strength for so many, and rather it has become so.

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